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„Ďakujeme za zdravie, ktoré nám pomáhate udržiavať, za komunikáciu, ktorá nám chýba, za túžbu žiť a za krásne chvíle. S pozdravom a vďakou!“
Klientka Komunitného centra Gunduličova
„Môj malý syn a ja sme veľmi vďační za vašu podporu a pomoc. Ďakujeme za vašu pozornosť a za to, že ste s nami každý deň v kontakte. Pýtate sa na stav dieťaťa a pomohli ste nám so všetkým, čo sme skutočne potrebovali. Veľmi pekne ďakujeme za starostlivosť a podporu.“
Client of the EQUITA Helpline
„ Veľká vďaka tímu zdravotníkov EQUITA, ktorí mi pomohli a vyriešili môj problém aj po skončení pracovnej doby. Poskytli mi všetky dostupné možnosti a dali užitočné rady. Robíte záslužnú prácu keď pomáhate nám, ktorí nevieme na koho sa obrátiť.“
Klientka Linky pomoci EQUITA
We provide health support to people who, as a result of social exclusion, poverty, war conflicts or other humanitarian disasters, face barriers to access to health care.
Every person has the right to protection of health, dignity, physical and mental integrity, and to live without fear and security, and freedom of movement, regardless of social status, economic status, race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, or complexity of needs. . We are convinced that the system of providing these services should take into account and adapt to people who face various disadvantages in reaching services. Available, quality and acceptable services are an excellent springboard to overcome difficult life situations.
We are responsible to those for whom and with whom we work. It is extremely important that we conduct ourselves professionally and try to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse. Equita is therefore taking the necessary steps and preventive measures by adapting the IASC's Six Basic Principles on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and implementing them intoGuidelines of the civic association Equita for protection against sexual exploitation and abuse aCode of conduct.